About US
Welcome! Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to find out a little more about us. We’ve highlighted a few things on this page, but really, the best way to get to know us is to join us for a walk, run, hike or bike. We’re a friendly bunch and we love meeting new people.
Once upon a run…a few peeps got together to train for a 5k.
Who we are is defined by what we do and how we structure our club to make sure we put our best STRIDE forward.
Who are the STRIDERS behind the curtain?
Our origin story may be a little less Marvel or DC than what you see in the movies, but however humble the beginnings, the spirit of the group is to celebrate the awesome in all of our members and our community.
Sometimes you have to run before you can walk.
– Tony Stark/IRON MAN
We started as a group of strangers in a running clinic. Some of us had a lot of running under our belts and some of us had nothing but a goal to survive our first Tely Ten.
We’ve run, walked, hiked and biked a lot of miles over the years. Shared good times, bad times, blisters, road trips, race bibs, medals, water bottles, sun burn, wind burn, frozen lashes, fly bites, wet runs, hot runs, “why-are-we- running” runs, emergency bathroom breaks, wardrobe fails, tutus, sunscreen, body glide, lip balm, disappointments, high-fives, tears, cheers, laughs, beers, coffees, and always a good story for the road.

Races and Places
FRIDAY Night Post-Hydration Beverages
Percentage of FUN per run

Mission Statement
To promote the sport of running and to create and inspire a diverse community of runners around the principles of health, fun, friendship, mutual support and social mindedness.
Constitution & BY-Laws
Click the button below for all the official speak on our by-laws and the structure of our club.

The Heart & Soul of STRIDE
Many faces and paces make up our family of runners. Some are here in Newfoundland and others are as far away as Australia – distance and geography don’t matter because we are connected by a mutual passion and love for running, being outside, and connecting with others.